The Brisbane Multiple Birth Association Westside Inc. (BMBAW) is a non-profit organisation established and maintained by multiple birth parents to provide support, activities, resources and education to multiple birth parents and their families who live in the western suburbs of Brisbane.

BMBAW is a member club of the Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA). Our aim is to offer information and assistance to families of multiple births from the antenatal stage through to schooling years and beyond.

We love being parents of multiples, be they twins, triplets, quads or more. We know sometimes it takes twice / three times more effort to get out of the house... but the rewards are twice / three times as much. Its great to meet other parents of multiples be it in person or online, if just to know we are not the only ones out there trying to change 3 dirty nappies with 1 pair of hands.

Life can be tough but there is light at the end of the tunnel, you just need to pack your sense of humour.

If you are expecting - click on our Events menu to get details of our next Expectant Parents Evening.

Please Contact Us for any further information.